Monday, October 13, 2008

The Many Uses of a Placard

Tonight, all our breakfast places for tomorrow morning are already set with carefully created name placards. They were placed there by a little guy who danced into the kitchen like a wood fairy singing the Indiana Jones' adventure tune. "Da da da daaaaa. Da da da.

"Mom, you can also put it on your shirt as a nametag if you want. Just put some tape on the back and put it on your shirt. And the way you make the tape is to roll it around your finger.

"Or you can use it as a bookmark. I made it for all those reasons.” (Though I’m certain he thought that up on the fly.)

"That's a good idea, Max."

"Yeah, I know."

Contrast this with a day of dealing with budgets, decisions, a too-long To Do list, deadlines, and demands. Tomorrow, I swear I’m going to somehow work the Indiana Jones’ adventure tune into my day.

God, I'm glad I know a 5 year old.

(164 words. Missed my goal but not the simplicity…)


  1. There's NOTHING like a 5 year old! Chase is obsessed with a very cute little girl named Gracie right now. He was very disappointed the other day when he thought she didn't LOVE him anymore! Oh my!
    Fall is beautiful and peaceful in Michigan right now. It's a great drive from PH to Marysville. I always try to remember this time around February or March when the snow is black from all of the salt and dirt and everything is pretty dreary.
    Gotta love having 4 seasons.

  2. I'm having too much fun reading your posts.
    Back to work now.

  3. Funny thing...
    Out of the blue, Ben put post it placards at our spots at the table for dinner today. I laughed to myself!
